Monday, June 4, 2012

Repairing My Ergo

This Ergo is nearly eight years old - I used it with Sarah (now eight).  Then nearly 3 years with Abraham and the wear is showing.  But, I just love this style carrier. Carrying babes from about 6 months to 3 years feels nearly effortless - without one I would not get nearly as much done.  I think little ones enjoy being in them too.  They have a wonderful view being up higher than their usual ground level and have some time with less stimulation just hanging close to mom or dad.

Not wanting to spend the $100 for a new one and realizing that there is still a lot of use left in the new one if I could just patch the worn areas, I came up with an idea.

Not being much of a seamstress, I instead turned to my crochet hook and wool and crocheted up a rectangle to fit over the worn area, wrapped it around and crocheted the ends together over the worn spots.  The crocheted piece also adds a bit of extra padding which is nice.

Wishing you a wonderful Monday,


  1. Great repair idea! My ergo has been well loved as well, and is starting to show a few love spots. I have been meaning to patch it up, before things get worse!

  2. That's a fantastic idea! I loved my Ergo too. :)

  3. I love this idea, Tonya! I've been thin king of sewing fabric patches onto ours, as ours is well worn, and the straps chewed by teething babies!

  4. Great idea. I had carriers for my kids when they were little and it was so handy. For several years, it seemed that everywhere we went, my husband had a little one on his back. I used a front carrier for tiny infants and that was lovely. My daughters used slings for little ones. Glad you were able to repair this and get some more use.

  5. Great idea!! We use our Ergo all the time and I truly can't imagine life without it. I love that you've gotten so much use from yours and were able to repair it.

  6. That is such a great idea Tonya! Wow. I love my Ergo, and I will keep this in mind in case anything ever happens.

  7. Clever you! Your thrift and good sense really inspire me : )

  8. great fix! the ergo is my favorite carrier, too! :)
