Monday, June 18, 2012


Abby, our oldest daughter, turned 12 on Saturday.  She made herself a sun cake.  This is going to be a special time in the coming years to watch her blossom into a young lady.    She is an amazing help to our family - from her baking to making up games to play with the younger children.

Here she is at her ballet recital last month - oh my!

Yesterday, on Father's Day, we met for a kickball game with two other families.  It was fun to watch the fathers get quite serious about it all...

...just about as serious as the children get about their ice cream.

I made this embroidery into a throw pillow for Mike for Father's Day.

Wishing you a beautiful start to the week,


  1. Love the sun cake. I might try to make it on the solstice--if it isn't too hot!

  2. happy birthday to her! and what a gorgeous pillow. i love childrens' embroidery - it is so precious.

  3. Happy Birthday to your beautiful young lady, twelve is such an important age in a girl's life.

  4. Tonya...I love the pillow, too. I have made a similar hand embroidery of my three when my littlest was brand new, nearly two years ago (!), but this is a precious way to chronicle your husband's children. Love it!!!
    xo Jules

  5. Looks like a great weekend. I love the birthday cake. My son't birthday is today -- #16!! I love the pillow you made for your husband. have a great week.

  6. What a great idea for a sun cake...I love it!
    ice cream and games. a perfect recipe for summer weekending.

  7. What talent that runs in your family! The sun cake is adorable! I've never seen any cake decorated like that..very clever. And the embroidered pillow is such a sweet idea. I'm sure he'll treasure it.

  8. That is an incredible cake, and I love the embroidery. Both are so special and unique. Happy Birthday to sweet Abby. I wish her a year full of happiness and blessings.

  9. Happy Birthday to your twelve year old! We have a nine year old to celebrate next week - how time flies!
