Friday, June 22, 2012

A Beautiful Cycle

I love the cycle of weeding buckets full, feeding the weeds to the chickens - composting their poop when cleaning the coop - gathering the compost two years later - full of beautiful worms (I love turning the compost over and seeing all the worms squirming around!) - returning the compost to the gardens - harvesting vegetables to feed our family (and of course more weeds to nourish the chickens!)....


  1. A beautiful cycle of life. I love composting! Oh, the goodness of God's creations. Have a great weekend.

  2. I agree, it is such a beautiful cycle and one we will begin participating in this year. Our chicks are a month old and we are loving every minute of the experience.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Me too Tonya. Have a beautiful weekend.

  4. It is a truly wonderful cycle. God has made things work in perfect harmony. :) It is such a blessing!

  5. I'm still trying to make compost....chickens might help the process....but I'm not thinking we're getting any, anytime soon. Hope you're having a wonderful start to your weekend!

  6. Agreed! Seems so pure and how God intended it to work. I surely can't imagine a better designed system. Except at our house, we do this same cycle but with rabbits as our HOA says no chickens. :( But, same cycle. Just a different animal. :) So it works.

  7. yes! so wonderful.... this simple life (with chickens). Amazing how it all comes together, just as it should.
