Our Sundays generally begin more slowly than the other six days of the week. I slept in until 7:30!
We had a simple breakfast of oatmeal and corn muffins because Mike also had to get down to the farm to pick up some raw milk
and a couple of errands as Thomas had requested the use of our one car immediately after church for the day.
Church...I wasn't going to to blog about this but it is something that has been on my heart. This is my own personal take on it, my own walk with the Lord.
I am not judging others, just my own thoughts as I sort out why I don't look
forward to going to church every Sunday morning.
As I get ready for church I find my vanity creeping in as it does each Sunday morning. Better bring the scrub brush in to the shower and get the summer black off the bottoms of my feet (although it doesn't all come off). Make sure our clothes are ironed, everyone's hair is brushed and neat. I surely wouldn't want anyone to think we were poor or didn't take good care of our children.

Then church itself. This is something I don't have the easiest time with, never have felt comfortable with many kinds or organized groups.
I felt most at peace with Quaker meetings but realized they weren't what the rest of my family needed.
So, we go to a local, growing, thriving, Christian Bible based church and I usually volunteer
to care for the little ones which makes up the second half of the service. My spiritual needs are met through reading the Bible and supportive books, and most of all through some quiet moments I savor each day.
I feel closest to God in other ways such as when I have my family around me at the dinner table and when I am walking outside picking the night's supper, for example.
I understand the benefits of church and am thankful that that many in our small church alone have come to know the Lord.
I just see sometimes that church seems to get in the way of or be a substitute for the real work that Jesus calls us to do - such as caring for the those that need to be cared for whether they be hungry children in far away countries or right in our back yard or caring for the earth, or truly loving those that you don't feel like loving, practicing forgiveness and most of all promoting peace.
Sometimes I think if everyone stopped worrying
about themselves and just started serving that there would be much less depression, loneliness, and greed.
I just don't see church, at least
our church, teaching these things.
Not sure what my "perfect" church would look like but I do know that it would never exist because there is no such thing as perfection
here on earth but at the same time I think we are to continually strive to do better and to improve.
As Jesus taught in the Lord's Prayer -
"thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven"
We weren't but on this earth to just stay out our time until we can go to heaven. Oh no - God would not have wasted His time in creating
human beings, each with unique and amazing gifts, only to live to die.