Friday, September 14, 2012

Making Time for Picking

As I walk down to check on the blackberries at our nearby ice cream stand, 
I realize how
silly I am to think that there may still be some.
It is nearly mid September.
Where do the days go?

Next summer, I must make time to pick blackberries.

I remind myself that it is apple picking season now.

Our apples are few this year on our own trees.

On a walk down our gravel road, a neighbor comes out and lets us know we can 
pick all the apples on their tree - their tree heavy with sweet red goodness.

A blessing.


  1. Precious, sweet and simple loved stopping by. Vermont is a very beautiful state. May your buisnrss be blessed and prosper. Blessings Roxy

  2. Pick, pick, pcik, more important than writing a note to pick. Make apple pie, apple crisp, apple butter -- go enjoy the season! LOL I miss you.

  3. I know, the time did go by quickly. Enjoy your picking.
