Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When you have wood

We live our life on faith - faith in God to provide for us as we are faithful followers. As we don't feel led to make earning large sums of money one of our goals in life, we work and wait upon God to provide us with what we do need.

We recently acquired a large pile of log ends. Mike does some work for a man across the way. He is clearing and milling the wood and did not have a use for the milled ends of the logs. Our neighbor even delivered the three loads right to our yard.

Here is Nolan's (age 13) work on a play house for Sarah and Abraham.

Here is Isaac's fort (age 10).

We plan to use it to make a deck off our back door and a small barn for two sheep ( I can't wait!). Having our own sheep for wool has been on my wish list.

So when God gives you wood, start building:)


  1. You have a delightful blog. And I love your etsy shop!

  2. What a wonderful gift! My 10 year old son came in my room while I was on the computer reading your blog and he was very interested in the the pictures of your son's projects. He and his grandpa are building a small fort with some wood from their woods. He really admires the work of others!

    your blogs is a blessings!

  3. I love it! What an opportunity for your much better than TV!!!

  4. I just stumbled on your blog through the earthschooling group (knitted gnome pattern) and I can't wait to read more! Very awesome forts, btw. I love your motto and am excited to follow your family's adventures :)
    Blessings to you!
