Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lots of This...

I have been spending lots of time here lately, on the couch.  I am working on weaning Abraham so I let him fall asleep in my arms instead of nursing.  It gives me a perfect opportunity to rest.

Warm wishes,


  1. I love this. You both look so content. What wonderful moment the two of you are sharing.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  2. Oh I love this picture. I recently weaned my 2 year old and he still needs lots of holding and loving.

  3. That is such a blessed feeling...the weight of a warm, sleeping child in your arms. Enjoy every second.

  4. Tonya,

    I'm just now catching up with some blog-reading. Congrats on the September baby! :-)

  5. Awww...that's the perfect way to relax. :) We had to wean by letting daddy take over, but how sweet to have some cuddle time instead.

  6. Just beautiful Tonya! It's such a bitter-sweet moment. Weaning and an expectant baby can be stressful so please rest and go easy on your self! I'm sending lot's of prayers your way!


  7. Such a sweet, peaceful photo. Enjoy those cuddly times... they grow up way to fast...

  8. What a sweet photo. There is nothing better than that weight of a child sleeping or awake on your chest snuggling. Now all you have to do is lie down with him and catch your must needed rest at the same time..growing babies is hard work!

  9. Oh, this is wonderful! It reminds me of weaning my own babies while pregnant. <3
    So nice to see you, Tonya!

  10. Congratulations with your pregnancy.

    what a sweet pictures this is.

    Its nice to see you, Tonya.

  11. How beautiful Tonya...precious moments that are also excellent for resting.

    Be blessed,


  12. Ah-ah - so nice to see your beautiful face Tonya! Love this photo and you will too for the rest of your life!

    Namaste, Nicole

  13. Oh how sweet I remember those days ~What a blessing to be able to slow down and rest ~Cute picture ~Love Heather

  14. I remember feeling so sad while weaning, although it was the right time. Snuggles are so important now for both of you.
    I love the name Abraham, it is just beautiful!

  15. That is why you are so tired Tonya.. I know how you feel. It's wonderful nursing I did for 6 years but takes a lot out of us. It's taken me almost 3 years to get back my strength. Sweet little baby in your arms. Your hearts are beautiful to.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I feel like everywhere I go I see or hear of a new baby! That is so wonderful. I tandem nursed my middle two, but it was a lot, when I was pregnant with #4, I decided to peacefully wean my now four and a half year old and opt out of the tandem thing if I could. It was fine, but I still had a twinge of sadness...of that letting go. Letting go allows room for so much posative growth though. Enjoy that time snuggled up with your little guy! Sending lots of love your way.


  17. I still remember those days well. Snuggles instead of "NaNa's". My 8yr old still comes and snuggles in my lap almost every morning. How very precious it is to have those special moments.
