Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nature's Beauty

I've been quiet here as our phone line was out for two days - we still have dial-up for our internet access:)  A bit of a blessing to not be connected for a brief time.

Early Sunday morning while doing the morning animal chores, 
I was in awe of all the beauty I saw - such a gorgeous time of the year up here in
northern Vermont.


  1. Tonya, your place is so beautiful! I wish we had more trees on our new property...the only maple tree is only half alive and it's turning brown instead of red. Other than that we have one baby oak tree, and some spruce trees as a windbreak...I miss living in a area with lots of trees!

  2. Oh Tonya...you are truly surrounded by His Creation! The trees, the intricacy of a spider web...everything shouts out - Yes, I Do Exist!!!

    Peace be with you today...


  3. Such pretty pictures of your place!

  4. Wow...beautiful, Tonya! I'm enjoying spring here in New Zealand :0]

  5. Reverence is evident in these photos, Tonya. I admire you for the life you have created for your family. Namaste, Nicole
