With the celebration this past weekend, I didn't get too much knitting done. I am still working on the back of the vest and I have started another pair of socks for Emmy - these in a not natural but probably strong yarn that is a nylon/acrylic blend that was given to me.
As far as reading, I have a confession to make. I resisted reading about the Duggar family because I thought that I would find little in common with them since they had a fairly high income and put their family "out there" via the television program (which I have never seen since we don't have television or high speed internet). Then I read that some of my favorite bloggers have been enjoying their newest book - A Love that Multiplies. Well, maybe they did have something to share that I could learn.
I was so wrong in my presumptions!
I have asked God for forgiveness for judging and for being hypocritical. Don't I also "put my family out there" as well by sharing on this blog? Who am I to judge their choices of being filmed for a program. They put their faith right out there for all to see. Perhaps many thousands people have learnined about the Christian faith and even accepted Jesus as their savior through their programs and books.
The Duggars (as far as I can tell from their book) live their faith. They also put God first and family second. Family comes before activites, personal interests, even an organized church. This is what binds them.
This is also what has been our family's goal in living a family centered life. We believe the family should spend the majority of their time as a unit, learning, loving and working together - that this is the foundation from which a child learns about our faith (more important than even the church), our standards, the importance of working things out, of helping one another and finding joy through the ordinary days we call life.
When the Duggars last baby (I think it was their last - not sure if she has had another since the book) was born very prematurely and had to remain in the hospital for about six months, the Duggars found a house to rent near the hospital as they lived two hours away. It was very important for them to keep the family together.
The Duggars also put serving others as a priority using Jesus as the example. This is something that God has put on my heart for the last several months. Our family serves from time to time, doing obvious things such as helping our neighbors or giving when we are asked but not to the point of sacrificial giving. I have felt God calling me to start a food distribution and thrift shop at our small rural church and have shared this with some others but have not taken the next steps. To me a Christian church's number one mission should be serving - and the obvious first step would be serving the needy in the community where the church is located.
How are others going to "see" God's love without action? As a chuch, we are not doing what we are called to do if we just serve one another (yes, this is important as well but there is so much more to done). I just see so many churches (ours included - I have always been a bit resistant to institutionalization) caught up in their own activities, Bible studies, youth groups, sports tournaments, etc.. but have been left wondering - how are we serving?
Well, I know I am not to wait and let others do it - if I feel God calling, I must answer.