Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Not So Pretty Pictures

So things were pretty chaotic yesterday.  At one moment in time the following was going on:

Isaac was wiring trying to get our very old television (we use it to watch DVDs) hooked up to a digital converter box and all sorts of other paraphernalia to see if he could get something to come in.  All of the parts he brought home from recycling.  There were wires going from the TV up through the ceiling to the upstairs  out through the skylight to a wooden pole attached to our roof.  

Abraham was taking rubber mats brought home from recycling making a ramp on the couch.
Abby was up in her room watching a downloaded you tube craft video and creating something.
Nolan was replacing a hole between two closets upstairs and had plans to make a speaker from found materials.

Sarah had everything pulled out of the closet she and Abby share to re-organize.

Emmy had just taken out the watercolor paints and asked to paint.

My head was spinning and I definitely felt overwhelmed but at the same time each was engaged, doing a kind of meaningful work.


  1. Looks like a productive day! I actually really like it when people post pictures of their homes that are "not so pretty." Because my house looks that chaotic almost every day. Thank you for this post!

  2. What a lovely creative day! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. I can totally relate to this post. We have those days too. And sometimes in the midst of it all, it's easy to lose track of our own meaningful contributions.

  4. Your photos make me smile...I do not see a mess at all..I see a lot of fun and happy kids:) :) I hope you all are staying warm. It was -6 when I woke up here in Kentucky.


  5. Your photos make me smile...I do not see a mess at all..I see a lot of fun and happy kids:) :) I hope you all are staying warm. It was -6 this morning when I woke up here in Kentucky. I am looking forward to tomorrows Yarn Along although I haven't had much time to knit this week.


  6. Well, they were all entertaining themselves - so you should have been happy about that. Maybe you could just sit down on the sofa and disappear into a book?

  7. Life in the living, unpolished. Love it, Pam x

  8. I love how creative your kids are. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Real life! I am always encouraged when people post the real stuff, the messy stuff. THIS is what it's all about!

  10. I love your REAL pictures. Its good to know that everyone has mess and chaos.

  11. A busy house that I bet you will miss when everyone is grown! I agree with Laura! Keep it real. :)

  12. I love the chaos! The days can be crazy, but that kind of chaos is often a sign of wonderful creativity :).

  13. I could take pictures like this every day, especially in my craft/computer room. I call it my disorganized organization. I straightened it up once and couldn't find anything.
