Friday, March 22, 2013

So thankful this morning

This morning I just felt so grateful - so thankful 

for the bright sunshine, 

for the snow that melted yesterday despite the cool temperature,

 for food to eat for breakfast,

 for the blessings of being kept safe yesterday when I slid backward down a steep hill into the deep snow,

 for healthy children,

 for being able to go into town today to shop at the thrift shops and markets to buy food for our family and maybe find a treasure or two,

for the ice cream shop in town opening today for the season,

 for the abundance of our own eggs that are providing us with at least a couple of meals each week which will keep aforementioned food budget down and nourish our bodies,

for the electric line clearing man taking the time to stop by yesterday and let Mike know that he will be cutting at a spot with soooo much birch and he will leave it aside for him instead of chipping it


  1. I was noticing all of the sun rays in your pictures and thinking how beautiful it is and then read your words. Sunshine does indeed change everything doesn't it?

    What a blessing that the electric man thought of your husband and took the time to stop by. You don't see enough of that care for others in this old world anymore.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. It's amazing how all the little things that we might take for granted all add up to every day blessings. Glad you didn't hurt your self yesterday...and beautiful how the sun lights up your home.

  3. Tonya - thank you for sharing. I have been feeling down and cranky lately, and reading your honest and joyful list of simple, good, things touched my heart. ~Annie

  4. dear Tonya,

    being thankful with you
    your words lightend my day also
    thanks and hugs

  5. Lots to be grateful for. Thanks for the reminder that there's so much around us to be thankful for.

    I had to smile at the photo of your dog. I know that look from my dog. It's the look she gives me when she's wondering if I'm going to push her off her nice comfy seat!

  6. I shared gratitudes today as well. I love waking to bright sun - so much joy there.

  7. What a great list of things! That's wonderful that the electric man called to give you the birch!

  8. you remind me to be thankful for the most ordinary of days...

  9. I wish we had some sunshine. I am glad they saved the trees for you. They just cut here this week, but everything was so small.

  10. You truly have a lovely, blessed life, full of the abundance that really matters. Blessings to you!

  11. What a heap of wonderful blessings - thanks for sharing!

  12. What a great list! Thank you Tonya.
