Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Two years ago we harvested our first crop of 50 heads.
This past first of August it was about 60.
This past week, 105 cloves were planted, all coming from our own garlic harvest.
I am finding garlic to be one of the easiest and most rewarding crops to grow and store and plan to do more each year until we have more than enough for ourselves, neighbors and friends, gifts and to sell.

(Side note:  Here is an interesting article - what do you think?)


  1. How wonderful!...next year I'll begin my garden once again. :)

  2. Just found you through another blog and took some time to go back through your older posts. I really enjoyed your pictures and posts and I admire your lifestyle. Simple and beautiful.

  3. I agree, Tonya, garlic has been one of our dependably easiest crops. We manage to plant enough to last until the next harvest, but I'd like to do more to for gifting, too. Happy end of garden season to you!
    xo Jules

  4. In reference to the article link-my husband and I have been talking about this very thing lately. We have wondered how we would have handled it from a homeschooling perspective. We graduated our youngest 5 1/2 years ago and it was really not an issue at that point. I think at times that I feel less smart and able to think for myself since everything is just out there online and in my face all of the time. Will we even remember how to find things out for ourselves and not just read what others think?
