"In the spring,
at the end of the day,
you should smell like dirt."
~Margaret Atwood
Our snap peas are up! That is one in the photograph above... it is a little hard to see, but so exciting.
We have been fencing in our gardens to keep our chickens out. Creating new garden spaces does take a lot of work, but it will be worth it. We chose two areas on our new homestead that show the most promise and now we are in the process of covering them with composted cow manure that we can get for free from a neighbor down the road. It is the really good black stuff full of red worms.
Now, chickens and gardens don't mix. Originally, we were going to fence in the chickens in an area around the barn. Well, after dear husband made branch posts, sledge hammered them into the ground and wrapped recycled fencing from our neighbor who has a rubbish collection business (in other words we didn't have to go out and buy new fencing), I just couldn't leave them fenced in. I have such a soft spot for these chickens and probably would for any animal. They just need to free range - to eat insects, grass, worms, but - NOT my garden!
So, Michael has been fencing in our garden areas. It isn't pretty, but the benefits out weigh the negatives.
Here is a picture ~
We have another garden area to go.
I have been planting seeds in egg cartons to grow on a card table in our bathroom window. Oh, we are just so blessed with this home with sunny spaces. My homesteading neighbor gave me a packet of tomato seeds she wasn't going to plant and a farming friend gave me some of her own tomato starts. With 30 tomato plants started, I may not be buying any tomato six packs from our local organic farm this spring. I also started 12 melons, and a dozen money plants (seeds from our neighbor - an herb and flower seller). Money plants or luminaria. They are a biannual with pink/purple flowers. The second year they leave disk-shaped seed heads which you can gently pull off the seed hulls by rubbing between your fingers to leave "silver dollars" which are great for dried flower arrangements.
I snapped this picture this morning by holding my camera behind my back as I was walking down the driveway to put some mail in the mailbox. My ladies love to follow me whenever I am out.
Enjoy this day. Warm wishes, Tonya