"To make public protests against an evil, and yet live
dependent on and in support of a way of life that is
the source of evil, is an obvious contradiction
and a dangerous one. If one disagrees with the
nomadism and violence of our society, then one is
under an obligation to take up some permanent
dwelling place and cultivate the possibility of peace
and harmlessness in it. If one deplores the destructiveness
and wastefulness of the economy, then one
is under an obligation to live as far out on the
margin of the economy as one is able: to be as
economically independent of exploitative industries,
to learn to need less, to waste less, to make things
last, to give up meaningless luxuries, to understand
and resist the language of salesmen and public
relations experts, to see through attractive packages,
to refuse to purchase fashion or glamour or prestige.
If one feels endangered by meaningless, then one
is under an obligation to refuse meaningless pleasures
and to resist meaningless work, and to give up
the moral comfort and the excuses of the mentality
of specialization."
- Wendell Berry
I think that much of my frustrations of the past year have been the result of not living in align with my core values. To keep them fresh in mind, and to live consciously each moment - choosing to make
even the smallest of decisions reflect what is important in my life and in the life of my family - letting my life speak for itself.
What do you think of the quote?