Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Knitting and Reading

So happy to be joining in with Ginny's Yarn Along again.  We finally have high speed through our telephone line out here in the middle of nowhere!

So I am knitting this Kyoto Vest with some yarn I had on hand, Peace Fleece.  But this is just a trial run and I hope to knit more of these in some softer yarns.

On my nightstand are several books - some I am rereading. But really I have been falling right asleep each night and haven't been doing too much reading except home school planning throughout the day.  I am hoping to come across a good book while reading through the other yarn along posts today.


  1. Having internet through my phone line is the only way I can have it, I can't even get cell phone service here! So happy you have this service too.
    The Kyoto Vest is a great looking pattern.
    I fall asleep at night reading too ;)

  2. Love the vest colour
    The schoolteacher in old Alaska book looks good, going to look it up

  3. the kyoto vest must be a winner if you are planning to knit it several times!!! must go look....thanks!

  4. The School Teacher in Old Alaska is one of my very favorite books. I love that it doesn't revise the attitudes of the time and that it's beautifully written. I haven't had much reading time either, but I'm looking forward to being able to more once winter comes. Your knitting looks lovely. I can't get my head wrapped around knitting, perhaps one day. For now I'm enjoying sewing immensely.

  5. That is such a beautiful blue. Electric! And looks super soft. :) Reading is the best. I've been trying to get into more reading, too. Such a peaceful pastime.
