Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Knitting and Reading

I have been working more on another Boneyard Shawl.  The bottom half I knit with some Peace Fleece yarn I dyed with golden rod last summer.  The second half is just going to be natural.

The book, Medicinal Herbs by Rosemary Gladstar, I was excited to find at the library on Monday.  Herbal healing has been a long time interest of mine.  What seems to happen so often, though, is that I get overwhelmed and don't know where to start.  This looks like a very good basic book for beginners.
I think it has motivated me to simply begin with what we do have around our homestead.

Joining in with Ginny today.


  1. I have a really wonderful herbal book, but it scares me and I haven't been able to sit down for long periods of time with it :-) I hope that this year is the year that I jump in!

  2. Beginning with what you have is a perfect way to start. Get to know your herbs up close and personal. Look around and see what is standing out for you the most and go with that. Nature has a way of planting just what we need right in front of our nose. Don't rely on just one book either, they often say different things. I have a bookcase full of herbals and love comparing .. one herb at a time of course. Have fun. :-) Your shawl looks so lovely and soft. <3

  3. I just got that same book out of our library - it's sitting on my dining table now :) I'm the same way - wanting to learn more, but overwhelmed, but gathering up some courage to just dive in and try something. We have a prolific (out of control) lemon balm patch, so I think I might start there... Good luck with your experimenting!

  4. I wanted to thank you so much for featuring this book in your blog post. I've always wanted to learn more about herbs, especially ones used medicinally, but needed a "simple" book such as this one. After seeing your post, I sent for a copy from our library and both hubby and I were so impressed with it we've ordered a copy for our personal library. Thanks again!
