Sunday, June 19, 2011

Morning Prayer and Fathers Day

Let our thoughts, our words and deeds,
ever be pure, kind and good.  Let us live peaceably
with each other, respecting one another in love.
Let us see the good in our fellow man, that we
may love our neighbors as ourselves.
-Amish Prayer-

We usually set Sunday apart from the rest of the week to worship, be together as a family, keep the elecrtic guitars and drums quiet for the day, and to reflect on all of the beauty around us and to give thanks.  Today the sky is just a beautiful shade of blue with the temperature closing in on 70 degrees.  We will all go fishing after lunch at the brook to enjoy this Sunday and Fathers Day.

A Happy Fathers Day to my wonderful father.  I have been thinking of him already a lot today and am grateful that he is such a strong presence in my life and in the lives of our children.  Despite the geographical distance, he makes great efforts to see us all regularly and to plan special events with the children.

Also a Happy Fathers Day to my husband.  I am so grateful for our beautiful children and that they have him to do all the playful silly things that I may not be as likely to do with them.



  1. Praise God for fathers and husbands. Especially the good ones!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. such a lovely sentiment Tonya,, have a lovely Sunday,,

  3. beautiful prayer! We went fishing for Fathers day, too~!
