Sunday, March 19, 2017

This Weekend

I treated myself to a $3.99 bouquet when food shopping on Friday and I am so happy I did.  Flowers make me feel so happy.  

On Saturday, we boiled off some sap from Friday's run.  It was only about 3 gallons of sap, so we just did it on the stove.  I baked two loaves of bread and Abby made a cake.

Part of our payment for working at our neighbor's organic farm on Tuesdays and Thursdays is food.  They had some local frozen lamb shanks which I have never had before.   They are cooking all afternoon today.  I also added vegetable stock, red wine, onions, garlic, potatoes and carrots.

Yesterday and today the sap is flowing a bit more, so Mike is boiling the sap outside.  He made this from metal roofing and we have our roaster pans holding the sap and then we bring it into the house to finish it off.

The view of our back yard today.  Tomorrow, though, is the first day of spring!

Today with it warming up a bit, I was able to clean out the chicken coop.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.


  1. It is good to see everyone is getting a little spring. Hope it lasts. Good luck with the sap. Your meals sound delicious.

    1. thanks! We've probably made about 1 1/2 gallons or syrup so far.

  2. I'm not a fan of lamb but your recipe sounds delicious. So do those loaves of bread! Happy Spring!

    1. We actually got more snow yesterday! But, I know spring will arrive:)

  3. It is so good to hear from you. I've missed your posts. Praying God will give you clear directions on your future. I understand your worries as we are having to live on Social Security and some months it doesn't stretch as far as it needs, but we trust God and carry on. He has provided exactly what we need every time!! He is so generous to His children!

  4. Glad that you have updated, I have been wondering how you all are doing. Praying for you that you will receive some direction. I was wondering if you are still on Instagram? I noticed the link is off your side bar. I always enjoyed your pictures over there.

    1. hello!
      I have to figure out how to put the instagram up again here... for some reason the side bar was completely removed. i am still on instagram at mapleseedsofmaine
      Thanks so much for visiting. -

  5. Never mind, Tonya. I found you @naturalearthfarm, I was searching for @mapleseesofmaine.
